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Saturday, 17 December 2016

press release- South Africa: President Jacob Zuma Signs Siu Proclamation On Kwazulu-Natal Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Mjindi Farming

Image result for image of south african president
President Jacob Zuma
President Jacob Zuma has in terms of section 2 (2) of the Special Investigating Unit and Special Tribunals Act, 1996, signed a Proclamation authorising the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to investigate certain matters in respect to the affairs of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Mjindi Farming in the KwaZulu Natal Province.

Mjindi Farming is a Provincial Government Business Enterprise of the KwaZulu Natal Provincial Government.

The Proclamation authorises the SIU, amongst others, to investigate the following allegations:

(a) Serious maladministration in connection with the affairs of the institutions.

(b) Improper and unlawful conduct by councillors, officials or employees of the institutions.

(c) Unlawful appropriation or expenditure of public money or property;

(d) Unlawful, irregular and unapproved acquisitive act, transaction, measure or practice having a bearing upon State property;

(e) Intentional or negligent loss of public money or damage to public property.

(f) Unlawful or improper conduct by any person, which has caused or may cause serious harm to the interests of the public or any category thereof.
Issued by: The Presidency

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