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Soil and Pulses |
biggest economic sector is agriculture
accounts for 24% of GDP
70% of informal sector jobs in the economy are related to rural agriculture
One of
the groups of crop that is commonly cultivated in Nigeria is the Pulses.
are annual leguminous crops yielding between 1 and 12 grains or seeds of
variable sizes, shapes and colors within a pod
They are used for both food and feed
are a vital source of plant protein and amino acids for people around the globe
It is
recommended that they should be eaten as part of a healthy diet to address
obesity as well as to prevent and help manage chronic diseases such as
diabetes, coronary heart conditions and cancer
are also an important source of plant protein for animals.
Production Constraints
yields of the Pulses are dependent on many factors which include rainfall
pattern, sunlight, moisture and soil types.
soil factor is critical in the production of pulses
soil affects crop yield especially if proper soil types are not chosen for
these crops
can lead to crop failure and food insufficiency in the country.
The failure of previous efforts to achieve
self-sufficiency in pulse production in Nigeria may be partly due to the
neglect of the soil factor.
The major constraints include
Ø Low
inherent fertility and nutritional imbalance
Ø Soil compaction
Ø Erosion
Ø Crusting and surface seal
Ø Low water-holding capacity and drought
Ø Reduction
of pore spaces and infiltration rate
Ø Low water-holding capacity
Ø Accelerated run-off resulting in severe
Ø Decline of soil organic matter (SOM)
Ø Decrease in pH
Ø Nutrient imbalance.
Ø Leaching of essential plant nutrients out of
the root zone which is very severe in eastern Nigeria.
• This
calls for a management strategy capable of sustaining the potential yields of
crops under intensive use of the soil.
• The
United Nations declared 2015 as International Year of Soil (IYS).
In the UN report, released on 4th December, 2015,
• It
was claimed that the world's soils are rapidly deteriorating due to soil
erosion, nutrient depletion, loss of soil organic carbon, soil sealing and
other threats,
• The
UN believed this trend can be reversed provided countries take the lead in
promoting sustainable management practices and the use of appropriate
Resources of Nigeria
• Nigeria
is blessed with various soil resources
• According to Nicholaides III et al.
(1984); Ogunkunle, (2010); and Esu,
(2005) at least six (6) of the soil orders of the USDA Soil Taxonomy
have been encountered in Nigeria.
They include:
v Alfisol
v Ultisol
v Entisol
v Inceptisol
v Vertisol
v Andisol
• According
to WAAPP Strategic Soil Fertility Document (Unpublished), Alfisols and Ultisols
together constitute about 65% of the soils in Nigeria.
They are deep to fairly deep soils
with loamy sand/sandy loam surface increasing in clay content with depth to
sandy clay loam/sandy clay or clay.
The two soils occur both in the
savanna and rainforest regions.
• Entisols
constitute about 15% and Inceptisols about 10% of the soils in Nigeria {Ofomata
(1975); Esu (2005)}.
• Entisols are less developed than Inceptisols.
Both of them occur on all the parent materials and vegetation units particularly
in sand dunes, coastal deposits and flood plains in lower slopes or valley
bottom positions in the toposequence.
• Most
of these soil types are suitable for the cultivation of pulses
Soil as a complex resource
• Soil
makes up the outermost layer of our planet and is formed from rocks and
decaying plants and Animals.
• Soil
has varying amounts of organic matter (living and dead organisms), minerals,
and nutrients.
• • An average soil sample is 45 percent
minerals, 25 percent water, 25 percent air, and five percent organic matter.
• Different-sized mineral particles, such as
sand, silt, and clay, give soil its texture. • Topsoil is the most productive
soil layer. •
• Ten
tonnes of topsoil spread evenly over a hectare is only as thick as a one coin.
• Natural processes can take more than 500 years
to form 2 centimeters of topsoil.
• In some cases, 5 tonnes of animal life can
live in one hectare of soil.
• Fungi
and bacteria help break down organic matter in the soil.
• •
Earthworms digest organic matter, recycle nutrients, and make the surface soil
• •
Roots loosen the soil, allowing oxygen to penetrate.
• This
benefits animals living in the soil. They also benefit roots which require
oxygen themselves. They further hold soil together and help prevent erosion.
• A
fully functioning soil reduces the risk of floods and protects underground
water supplies by neutralizing or filtering out potential pollutants and
storing as much as 3750 tonnes of water per hectare.
• •
Scientists have identified several types of soil in Europe, United States and Nigeria.
• •
Soil stores 10% of the world's carbon dioxide emissions.
Soil management strategies
- Some of the soil management strategies include
Ø Fallow systems
Ø Cover cropping
Ø Farm yard manuring
Ø Green manuring and
Ø Use of nitrogen-fixing plants
Ø Crop
rotation is used to control pests and diseases that can become established in
the soil over time.
Ø The
changing of crops in a sequence decreases the population level of pests by
Ø (1) interrupting pest life cycles and
Ø (2) Interrupting pest habitat.
• Some
of these soil management techniques lead to the replenishment of nutrient loss
in soils especially nitrogen
Forms of nitrogen in
plants are able to take up nitrogen from the soil in the form of ammonium (NH4)
or nitrate (NO3-)
Together, these are known as available
nitrogen (N).
In addition to taking up available N from the
soil, legumes (clovers, medics, peas and
beans (Pulses)) are also able to acquire N from the abundant supply in the
atmosphere via special soil bacteria (rhizobia) which are housed in
nodules on their roots.
fully functioning nodules, legumes can grow in soils that are deficient in
available N.
rhizobial ‘factories’ are subject to variation in establishment and performance
and so a supportive environment must be provided to maximise N2
all the essential nutrients, nitrogen is required by plants in the largest
quantity and is most frequently the limiting factor in crop productivity
plant tissue, the nitrogen content ranges from 1 to 6%.
management of nitrogen is important because it is often the most limiting
nutrient in crop production and easily lost from the soil system
Forms of nitrogen available for plant uptake and functions of
nitrogen in plants
are mainly ammonium and nitrate
is an essential element of all amino acids
acids are the building blocks of proteins
Nitrogen is also a component of nucleic acids which
form the DNA of all living things and holds the genetic code
is a component of chlorophyll which is the site of carbohydrate formation
Chlorophyll is also the substance that gives
plants their green colour
occurs at high rates when there is sufficient nitrogen
plant receiving sufficient nitrogen will typically exhibit vigorous plant
will also develop a dark green colour
Consumption of nitrogen by plants and other organisms
(Nitrogen cycle)
is a very dynamic element
not only exists on earth in many forms but also undergoes many transformations
in and out of the soil
sum of these transformations is known as the nitrogen cycle
complex, the nitrogen cycle helps us to understand the complex relationships
that exist among the many forms of nitrogen
The nitrogen cycle also provides us with
insight pertaining to the availability of ammonium and nitrate which are the
only nitrogen forms useable by plants
Table 1: Various forms of nitrogen
in soil science is decomposition or oxidation of the chemical compounds in
organic matter into plant-accessible forms.
Whether nitrogen is mineralized or immobilized
depends on the C/N ratio of the plant residues.
general plant residues entering the soil have too little nitrogen for the soil
microbial population to convert all of the carbon into their cells.
Nitrogen fixation
• Although
atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2) makes up approximately 78% of the air,
it cannot be directly used by plants
• Instead,
atmospheric N2 only becomes available to plants through three unique
• The
final product of each of these processes is ammonium which is then available
for plant uptake
• The
three processes which convert atmospheric nitrogen to ammonium are :
• biological nitrogen fixation
• chemical nitrogen fixation
nitrogen fixation
• Approximately
80% of the atmosphere is nitrogen gas (N2)
• Unfortunately,
N2 is unusable by most living organisms
• Plants,
animals and micro-organisms can die of nitrogen deficiency surrounded by N2
they cannot use.
• All
organisms use the ammonia (NH3) form of nitrogen to manufacture
amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids and other nitrogen-containing components
necessary for life.
• Biological
nitrogen fixation is the process that changes inert N2 to
biologically useful NH3.
• This
process is mediated in nature only by bacteria.
• Other
plants benefit from nitrogen-fixing bacteria when the bacteria die and release
nitrogen to the environment or when the bacteria live in close association with
the plant.
• In
legumes and a few other plants, the bacteria live in small growths on the roots
called nodules.
• Within
these nodules, nitrogen fixation is done by the bacteria and the NH3
produced is absorbed by the plant.
• Nitrogen
fixation by legumes is a partnership between a bacterium and a plant.
• In
addition, certain soil organisms have the special ability to convert atmospheric
nitrogen to ammonium
• These
organisms include several species of bacteria, actinomycetes, and cyanobacteria
• In
the soil, nitrogen-fixating organisms can form special relationships with
plants called “symbiotic” associations
• Symbiotic
is a term that means “living together.”
• Although
a symbiotic relationship can be antagonistic, the symbiosis that occurs during
biological nitrogen fixation is generally mutual and beneficial
biochemical mechanism of N2 fixation can be written in simplified
form as follows:

Nitrogen Fixation Management Programme
• The
occurrence of the symbiotic relationship is heavily dependent upon a variety of
soil conditions
• If a program incorporates nitrogen fixation, the
following considerations can determine your success
• First and foremost, the rhizobium must be
compatible with the legume
• If
your crop is rhizobium-specific, you must use the correct rhizobium species
If the inoculum (which contains the rhizobium bacteria) is
applied to seeds, the procedures must be properly follow
• Nitrogen
fixation takes place when total soil nitrogen is insufficient
• When
sufficiently present, the plant will instead rely on the nitrogen available
from the soil
• Rhizobia
are sensitive to any growth factor that limits root development
• Such
conditions as aluminum and manganese toxicities will limit inoculation.
• Rhizobia are influenced by mineral nutrient
• Low
levels of calcium, phosphate, molybdenum under acidic conditions will limit
nitrogen fixation.
• Under
alkaline conditions, phosphate, cobalt, boron, iron and copper levels become a
• Any growth factor (such as light, water,
temperature stresses or soil compaction)
• Any
management factor (such as nutrient management, salinity) that detrimentally
affects growth of the legume will detrimentally impact nitrogen fixation
Table 2. A summary of biological
nitrogen fixation measurements by different legumes.

Table 3:
Nitrogen derived from atmosphere (%ndfa) by soyabean cultivars as influenced by
Bradyrhizobium inoculation (Daramola and Taiwo 1999)

nitrogen is converted to ammonium during biological nitrogen fixation, ammonium
becomes available to the legumes and the microorganisms that fixed it.
Typically, the bacteria can fix anywhere between 20 and 80% of the total legume
amounts of ammonium can also be released by roots of the legumes into the
rhizosphere or the surrounding soil
Nitrogen Fixation
nitrogen fixating organisms are also capable of nitrogen fixation but they are
not associated with any plant species.
Examples of these organisms are Azotobacteria,
Azospirillum, Clostridium and Pseudomonas
free-living species do not contribute largely to agricultural production
How much
N do legumes contribute to following crops?
maturity, 30 – 40 % of the N in legume crops is in the seeds which are
typically 25 – 30 % protein
the grains are harvested, much of the N that has been fixed will be exported
off of the property
N remaining in the shoot and root residues means that legumes usually make a
positive contribution to soil N reserves
shows that yields of non-legume crops can increase when following a legume
• It is
believed that legume rotation increases the N content of soil thus making it an
effective nutrient management strategy
• However,
when the legume is incorporated into the soil, the major benefit of the legume
rotation lasts only during the first year following the legume rotation.
• A healthy
and productive field pea crop could fix up to 200 kg N/ha.
• Soyabean (Glycine max) fixes between 59
- 70% of its nitrogen nutrition (Daramola and Taiwo, 2006)
misconceptions on the concept of Nitrogen transfer
• However,
the amount of nitrogen returned to the soil during or after a legume crop can
be misleading
• Almost all
of the nitrogen fixed goes directly into the plant
• Little
leaks into the soil for a neighbouring non-legume plant
• However,
nitrogen eventually returns to the soil for a neighbouring plant when
vegetation (roots, leaves, fruits) of the legume dies and decomposes
• When the
grains from a grain legume crop are harvested, little nitrogen is returned for
the following crop
• Most of the
nitrogen fixed during the season is removed from the field
• The stalks,
leaves, and roots of grain legumes such as soyabeans and beans contain about
the same concentration of nitrogen as found in non-legume crop residues.
• In fact,
the residue from a corn crop contains more nitrogen than the residue from a
bean crop simply because the corn crop has more residues
• However, it
has been proved that nodule senescence contributes a substantial amount of
nitrogen to soil
to human nutrition
• In many
countries, human nutrition is highly dependent on grain legumes for protein
• There is a
marked consumer preference for various seed types, for instance, some groups
prefer the black form of the common bean whereas others favour the navy or
kidney bean
• The
nutritional differences among these are not great so preference is based on
custom (as are cooking methods that reduce anti-digestive activity) and the
local adaptation of specific legumes.
• There are
more than 13,000 described species of legumes
• Of the approximately 3,000 species examined,
more than 90 percent form root nodules (in which nitrogen fixation presumably
occurs in symbiosis with rhizobia)
• Because few
have been exploited for food, there is the prospect that the utilisation of
legumes could be expanded substantially
• Examples of
these legumes are listed as follows:
has also bred improved varieties of cowpea such as the popular Ife-Brown, Ife
BPC and ART 98-12.
• Nigeria and
Niger produce 850, 000 and 271,000tones, respectively on annual
basis. Cowpea, is the most widely cultivated food legume in
semi-arid West Africa.
• Nigeria harvests
4.5 million hectares annually.
• Similarly
and in collaboration with IITA, a number of improved Tropical Glycine max (TGX) varieties
of Soybean were bred.
• This has
led to substantial increase in yield and qualities of these crops.
• Nigeria presently
produces about 500,000 MT of Soybean annually making it the largest
producer of the product on the African continent.
• Soybean is a legume which is produced in most
the middle belt of the country with Benue state accounting for about 45% of
the total production in country (IITA Bulletin)
• Soybeans
are an important source of high quality and inexpensive protein and oil.
• With an
average protein content of 40% and oil content of 20%, soybean has the highest
protein content of all food crops and is second only to groundnut in terms of
oil content amongst food legumes.
• Soybeans
are used in the production of milk, edible oil and animal feed.
• It’s high
protein content and price makes it the best option in terms of treating
malnutrition and would continue to expand the international market for the
product which currently is estimated at US$40 billion (Foraminerera Market
Research Website 2016)
• It is
estimated that about 20% of food protein worldwide is derived from legumes.
• The highest
consumption occurs in
• the former
Soviet Union
• South
• Central
• Mexico
• India
• Turkey
• Greece.
• The dietary
use of legumes is quantitatively in the following order:
• Dry bean (Phaseolus
• Dry pea (Pisum
• Chickpea (Cicer
• Broad bean
(Vicia faba)
• Pigeon pea
(Cajanus cajan)
• Cowpea (Vigna
• Lentil (Lens
culinaris) (Agostini and Khan, 1986)
• Peanut (Arachis
hypogaea) and soyabean (Glycine max) are dominant sources of cooking
oil and protein
• They are
also major food sources in some regions
• The amino
acid components of leguminous seed proteins commonly show deficiency in
cysteine and methionine but when consumed in combination with cereal proteins,
offer a complete nutritional balance.
• Thus the
legume complements the amino acid deficiencies in cereal grains.
• Because of
concerns over coronary heart disease and certain types of cancers, Nigerians
have been admonished to reduce fat intake and increase intake of plant products
as stated in Diet and Health (National Research Council, 1989)
• Diets high
in plant foods i.e. fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grain cereals are
associated with a lower occurrence of coronary heart disease and cancers of the
lung, colon, oesophagus and stomach.
• By using
plant products (e.g. cereals and legumes) instead of animal products as sources
of protein, one can also reduce the amount of saturated fatty acids and
cholesterol in the diet
• Foods
highest in dietary fibre include unrefined grains (and breads made from them)
legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds
Pulses in
Livestock field formulation
• The
importance of legumes in animal feed should not be overlooked.
• Alfalfa (Medicago
sativa), clover (Trifolium spp.), stylosanthes (Stylosanthes
spp.), desmodium (Desmodium spp.) and other forages are grown
extensively for livestock
• They are
either grazed or fed as hay or silage
• Alfalfa
silage furnishes not only roughage and high-quality protein but also a variety
of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients
• The anaerobic
ensiling process supports a rapid fermentative acidification of the plant
material, serving to preserve nutritional quality
• Soyabean is
used for the production of oil and the residual meal is an excellent and
relatively inexpensive source of protein for livestock especially monogastric animals
• Although a
small percentage of the meal is incorporated into human foods, most of it is
used for feeding livestock and pets.
yam bean
DM = Dry mater, CP
= Crude protein, CF
= Crude Fibre, EE
= Eater extract, NDF
= Neutral Detergent fibre, ADF
=n Acid detergent, ADL = Acid detergent lignin, NFE =
Nitrogen free
extract. SEM =
Standard error of the mean
Ref: Ajayi et al (2010)
of Productivity
• Inspite of
its ability to fix substantial amounts of its nitrogen nutrition, pulses have
been found to give optimum yields if other factors are favourable
• These
include water supply, good agronomic practices, crop protection and appropriate
time of planting
• In I. A. R.
& T., studies are on-going to identify the minor legumes that are going
into extinction
• The purpose
is to increase the productivity, improve on the processing methods and study
those factors capable of influencing the storage
• The Product
Development Programme of the institute is also working on the seeds in order to
identify and understand their nutritional profile after processing for the
purpose of further research to upgrade the value chain
• It is very
important to transform the pulses into industrial products or products with higher
value added
• The success
in this regard depends on increasing the capacity of entrepreneurs in Nigeria
to supply global, regional and local value chains with products matching
specific standards, volume and packaging requirements
• Research
Institutes can then key into this and work on the products for further
• There must
be positive net economic or other benefits to induce the farmer to plant pulses
• Farmers are
most likely to cultivate this crop if there is a reduction in the production
costs and/or increased yields and also when it reduces or at least does not
increase risk
• Reduced
production costs or higher yields of food and feed lead to increased production
and ultimately to lower food prices
• Thus the
development and adoption or incorporation of the pulses in our farming systems
can become a real engine for economic growth with society as a whole the
• The major
problem in evaluating the economic benefits in the cultivation of the pulses is
in assigning prices to inputs and outputs (Heinz and Welsch, 1991)
• For the
farmer, actual costs and income are critical
• In developed countries, prices of products may
be supported above world market levels as a means of protecting farmers’ income
• On the
contrary, in developing countries like Nigeria, prices may be controlled below
world market levels to benefit urban residents and the industrial sector at the
expense of farmers’ income
• Given these
problems, the only way to estimate the economic advantage of adopting
Legume-Cereal Farming System is by analysis of cropping systems that use it as
a source of nitrogen and protein for human consumption
• If livestock are involved, then the analysis
should be based on the entire farm operation
• A number of
factors determine the benefits from the cultivation of pulses to the producer
including conditions on the farm, regulations at the local level, access to
market and technology, community and local infrastructure and cultural values
and Recommendations
• Many years
ago, the spiraling costs of energy and, as a consequence, the costs of nitrogen
fertilisers, resulted in a new momentum for research in the area of farming
systems research that incudes pulses as a component part
• Research
support for the farming systems has expanded and the knowledge base has
• Soyabean
production in Nigeria has increased
• However,
production of cowpea faces the challenges of pests and diseases especially in
the southern ecologies of Nigeria
• Research
support has also increased in the field of plant protection
• However,
the minor legumes are going into extinction
• Research
work must continue on this important legumes
• Technologies
on this and other grain legumes must be validated and adopted
• Agronomic
practices that can lead to improved productivity must be extended to farmers
• Using these
set of legumes in Nigeria will further enrich the soils and increase plant
protein intake
• We must
upgrade the various value chains generated and create/develop markets for the products
• The private
sector must also get involved in this programme while the financial houses
should make available single digit interest loans for investors in this field
of agriculture
• Aside from
providing plant protein for the benefit of Nigerians, jobs will be created for
the resource-poor women and youths leading to reduction in poverty.
• Consequently,
this will boost Nigerias’ economy
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