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Friday, 23 December 2016

press release- South Africa: Minister Gugile Nkwinti Launches 50/50 Farm Wine Estate in Franschhoek, 10 Dec

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south africa
The Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform, Mr. Gugile Nkwinti is to launch a wine estate that is part of the policy on Strengthening the Relative Rights of People Working the Land (50/50) policy the Western Cape on Saturday 10 December.

The Solms-Delta Wine Estate operates a wine production business in the Franschhoek area outside Cape Town, on a property measuring 54 hectares.

The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform purchased an equity stake in the business and the land on behalf of farm workers following the conclusion of an agreement with the farm owners facilitated by the National Empowerment Fund.

Thought the policy framework on Strengthening the Relative Rights of People Working the land, commonly known as the 50/50 policy, government seeks to assist beneficiaries (mainly farm workers and farm dwellers) to secure permanent tenure on the properties where they work or live as well as acquire economic interests in agricultural land and businesses on which they are working or living.

The farm workers as well as the farm dwellers through the formation of the Wijn de Caab Trust, share equal ownership together with established wine farmers Mark Solms (Zandvliet-Delta Farming (Pty) Ltd) and Richard Astor (Lubeck-Delta Ltd).

Issued by: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform

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