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Friday, 23 December 2016

Farmers express anxiety as IITA hands over aflasafe

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The Nigeria farmers have expressed fear over the Institute of International Tropical Agriculture ( IITA) preparedness  to commercialize aflasafe as a measure to ensure easily availability to checkmating aflatoxin infestations of grains saying the decision should be given a second thought especially in the face of adulteration in the seeds and fertilizers productions.

In an interface session held in Abuja, the National Groundnut Processors and Marketers Association (NGROPPMAN) stressed the need to ensuring a safe landing of aflasafe into the hands of private firms for further multiplication to farmers as they based their argument on the experience from adulterated seeds and fertilizer that have been ravaging high yield expectation of farmers.

The IITA representative in the meeting Mr. Peter Okomoh who broke the news of aflasafe technology commercialization  said the decision to hand over to competent private firm is very imperative for the Institute to be able to concentrate on its main mandate of researching into new improved technology for agricultural productivity and value addition for better economic earnings .

Aflatoxin is a disease that commonly affects oily crops like maize, groundnut and cowpea as IITA in collaboration with other partners have been able to provide aflasafe to protect these crops while still in the soil as research funding revealed that “Aflatoxins often occur in the crops while still in the field prior to harvest. Postharvest contamination can occur if crop drying is delayed, and during storage of the crop if water is allowed to exceed critical values for the mold growth”

Mr. Okomoh pointed about 30-40 hectares of groundnut would be cultivated towards ensuring foreign earning from Europe as issue of best agronomics practice and provision of the  improved seeds  would be handled by ICRISAT cum expertise training to preventing aflatoxin attack.

However, some of the states’ chairmen of NGROPPMAN have urged that IITA should be in the custody of the circulation of the aflasafe to the farmers so as to guarantee quality and standard of the products towards preventing aflatoxin attack while in the field adding the experience of the fake seeds and fertilizer on food production cannot be measured in terms of money and energy loss. 
The Aflasafe strains cannot produce aflatoxin since they have inherent defects in one or more of the 26 genes in the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway. They also cannot become toxigenic since the selected atoxigenic strain. 

Hence, genetic exchange between members of the same atoxigenic genetic group cannot transform atoxigenicstrams to toxigenic ones. Members of two different genetic groups cannot exchange DNA.

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