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The Nigerian Agricultural Quarantine Service (NAQS)

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

ATASP-1'S Achievement: Rural Beneficiaries Laud , ask for continuity

*Adani- Omor* Bida-Badegi* Kano-Jigawa* Kebbi- Sokoto*

The Federal Government ( FG) Agricutural Transformation Agenda Support Program, Phase 1( ATASP-1) in partnership with six states across Nigeria, funded by African Development Bank ( AfDB), aimed to achieve better rural economic living with social amenities availability to reduce rural- urban migration and enhance food productivity has received commendations from various beneficiaries of the program in cassava, sorghum and rice value chains across the different zones of the federation.

Being implemented in four (4) Staple Processing Zones ( SCPZ) including Adani- Omor in Anambra -Enugu states, Bida- Badeggi, Niger, Kano-Jigawa and Kebbi- Sokoto states covering over 225 communities in the thirty three local government areas with a target to develop infrastructure, commodity value chains and programs that will enhance increased food productivity, creates more jobs and economic activities at the rural areas.

The goal and objective to improve food and nutrition security, job creation, and enhancement of incomes seem to have achieved its purpose from farmers, processors, young entrepreneurs and leaders who spoke with us on different field locations.

Food Farm News visits across the Zones unfolded the impact the program has made on the livelihood of the beneficiaries who spoke with us saying that the program in the past eight years had impacted on them with better farming methods through trainings that have yielded high food production just as the provision of social amenities like portable waters, clinics, markets, roads, and efficient water pumping stations with canals to distribute water for the year round agriculture practices and provision of more classrooms for schools are evident of ATASP-1 achievements 

The improvement on additional income and increased number of producers and entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector through the creation of approximately 350,000 jobs along the commodities value chains with an increase of 20,000 metric tons in each of the pilot crops- rice, cassava and sorghum were all the reasons beneficiaries are praising the program.

 ATASP-1 is to deliver 247km of irrigation conveyance canals, 431.16km feeder roads, 28 primary schools, 14 health centres, 114 portable water supply/sanitation/ hygiene schemes, four demonstration/ technology centres and 14 community markets for the various communities in all the Zones.

All of these have almost been completed as beneficiaries expressed their happiness about the program for its positive impact in increasing farming activities, processing and marketing businesses in the rural communities.

At Adani-Omor, Anambra -Enugu Zone, participants in ATASP-1 expressed the huge positive impact of the training given by the program as regards best agronomics practices of higher yield in rice, cassava and sorghum saying it was a game changer to their former primitive ways that always gave a very low yield during harvest.

Speaking to Food Farm News, the Vice chairperson, Innovation Platform ( IP) under ATASP- 1, Mrs Ugbaji Nkemdilim Lydia proudly praised the FG for deeming her community right to be part of the beneficiaries saying that rice farmers are well supported with increased earnings being as a result of thrice times harvest and value addition the produce now enjoyed.

According to Mrs. Nkemdilim Lydia “ to be sincere with you, most of us have run away from farming. But ATASP- 1 brings us back through best agronomics training with input support. The spacing training on rice invariably reflected on other crops that bring higher yield to farmers across the board. Two months ago we received input support of improved rice seeds, fertilizer, and agro chemical towards dry season farming. The training is free of charge and its impact is tremendous in our productivity”

Lydia pointed out that the living standard of farmers has improved tremendously through the ATASP- 1 intervention, adding that " now my farmers and I are living better through three times planting, and bumper harvesting as a result of better seeds called “Faro 44 that was given to us" We are now producing paddy, process, and take them to market for better earnings as we don’t need to rush anymore in selling our paddy as give away prices unlike before “

She however demanded for the program’s continuity and provision of a better tool for rice harvest and driers saying that “ We are looking forward to ATASP-2 and also request for combined harvesters to reduce losses, and driers to be used during the rainy season so as to meet demand”

Mr. Okwor Kelechi Vicent, a facilitator at ATASP-1 covering about three communities in the  Uzo-Nwani local government of Enugu state said that farmers and other stakeholders like processors and marketers at the value chains of rice productivity are trained in modern ways for better income earnings through best agronomics practices.

Mr. Vincent said the agronomics training has resulted in more harvest for rice pointing that “ farmers have economically gained a lot through the training. Rice farming is now taken seriously as a business unlike before. There is improvement in production from six bags that are usually gotten on a hectare to about twelve in three times of the year. And that is a lot of money yearly. We are now introduced to Faro 44 which gives a better yield than the old traditional seed we usually plant”

Also, the Chairman, Rice farmers' Association, Hon. Bernard Idu in Adani- community attested to the primitive ways of farming in the locality before ATASP-1'S arrival saying that it was an eye opener to more profit in rice productivity.

Hon. Idu commended the effort of the FG in changing the face of rice farming from once in a year to thrice planting through the irrigation system of canal water distribution intervention provided by ATASP, adding that the building of the collapsed Obina bridge had been very helpful for produce evacuation from the farm to the market place.

He stated that “ the bridge now built gives easy access to farm produce. No more need for using canoes to bring rice to the market. Now it is direct from the farm to the milling centres as transport cost is now drastically reduced. The canal is useful for water distribution, except the damages the cattle rearers are causing to the canals. The market built by ATASP-1 is more standard than the old ones and this has attracted more customers to rice farmers. Meanwhile the issue of the canal destruction is already reported to the state agric commissioner as we have organized vigilante to watch over the canals in order to protect the facility “

At Ogboji community comprising about 11 villages in Orumba South West of Anambra state, the facilitator in charge, Miss Adaeze Iloegbu commended the impact of training of ATASP-1 on farmers through value addition into various varieties saying it has improved on income earnings coupled intervention of market facility which had prevented farmers from traveling far to sell their farm produce.

According to Miss Adaeze Iloegbu “ We take training to the farmers in cassava productivity with modern innovation that enhances productivity in economic terms at all the value chains of the produce. ATASP-1 gives improved cassava cutting to farmers, a market facility which is a major need here. And it  has helped to reduce the transport cost and market facility to sell more. Clinics were built to take care of health challenges and more classrooms accommodation with office furniture and water bore holes are provided to serve the communities”

One of the female  farmers, Roseline Asuka attested to benefiting in ATASP-1 improved cassava cuttings with huge yield resulting from  best agronomics practices acquired from the training given to them.

Also, Mrs Cheyere Uzor from Uguaja village hailed ATASP-1 and begged for its continuity saying that “ I am using cassava flour to bake cake, chinchin and salad. The flour is better than the imported ones. And it has helped me to make more money that I am using to support my event management business where I usually make more cake for occasions”

Also a former President General, Omogho community in Orumba North, comprising four villages and presently the ATASP-1 Innovation Platform Chairman, Chief Cyril Nwabueze praised the provision of the clinic facility that now avail people the opportunity of close health care just as he commended the bore hole water facility that checkmated a rampage disease ocassioned from drinking stream water in the area.

Chief Eze Cyril Nwabueze said that “Before the bore hole, there is water born disease. Both males and females are urinating blood. After the provision of ATASP’ s bore hole, the World Health Organization came to test us and discovered the disease had disappeared. The intervention was a huge rescue as we all now looked after the two facilities. Even the clinic's roofing when falling was replaced by the community. We have been enjoying the clinic as a baby has just been delivered in less than nine minutes before your arrival here ”

The Innovation Platform Chairman for Ufuma Community comprising nine villages under Orumba LGA, Mr. Anthony Uwafor commended the economic impact of the cassava processing facility provided by ATASP which has transformed the economic activities in the area to working late hours processing cassava for a bigger market. Everybody is happy here because of this intervention that makes us work late as many people now came here to buy their garri.U

Uwafor said the program has reduced poverty pointing out that “ anybody who can clothe himself, feed himself and have a place to sleep cannot be regarded as poor”

He solicited the continuity of ATASP, saying its training in the rural communities has been top notch in terms of positive impact on livelihood, food security and more income earnings.

In Bida- Badeggi processing zone, Niger state, many of the ATASP-1 facilities were seen across the communities to ensure the achievement of its aims and objectives as being attested by beneficiaries.

The village head of Takuti- Shaba, Mallam Hamzat Aliyu who applauded the positive impact of training given by ATASP-1 officials to enhancing food productivity which has resulted in more income earnings to locals  saying that “ before the advent of ATASP- 1, we plant anyhow on a space of land that always reduces our harvest. Where we used to produce 2-5 bags now gives us 15-20 bags based on compliance to spacing”

Mallam Aliyu also commended the quality of seeds given to his subject as being very productive, pointing out its strong characteristics to withstand stress and diseases thereby making it possible for more yield and income earnings.

The village head pointed out that many farmers’ cooperative associations had sprung up in order to help one other with money lending to do commercial farming.

Aliyu thanked the program for classroom with office and store provision for the local schools to accommodate more students just as he  hailed the crushing machines for sorghum and genuine corn that have reduced wastages drastically in the community.

“ I will be sad if the government says they will not continue with ATASP-1 since we have seen the great impact of their training and facilities provision in training, agro inputs, more classrooms in schools, clinics, canal for water distribution for farming, building of roads and bridges. All these are so important to us as people living in rural communities" said Aliyu.

The ATASP-1 IP chairman for Takuti- Shaba community, Mr.Mohamed Suleiman stressed how the program has turned Sorghum into cash crop planted round the year with irrigation facility and planting of improved seeds that gives more yield for human and animals consumption.

He pointed out that about 21 cooperative associations had been formed due to better productivity of sorghum value chain saying that “ farmers’ group, aggregators’ group, processors' group and marketers' group are as a result of better methods introduced by ATASP-1 for this particular crop.

At Edozhigi community, a prominent rice producing area in Niger state, the positive impact of ATASP-1 on productivity towards food security and more income earnings was resonated by the Head, Mallam Usman Abubakar who stressed that irrigation farming through canal water distribution has made planting of rice in three seasons possible as against one time in a year before now.

According to Mallam Usman Abubakar “ formerly we used to farm once in a year, but with this canal intervention the story has changed to 3 times in a year. It is a huge advantage to us in terms of economic earnings and social livelihood as people now get more money to meet their basic needs. We now plant both in dry and wet seasons to make rice available throughout the year to drive away poverty “

Speaking on rural access road provided by ATASP-1, an educationist who had served in seven schools as principal, presently the cluster chairman for about 120 farmers’ group within Agaie and nearby villages, Alhaji Muhammad Katun commended the 7 kilometres road built  between Bakeko/ Lafiyagi which he pleaded that the remaining part be completed for its importance to the evaluation of agricultural produce to market places.

Alhaji Katun pointed out that the facility had checkmated the challenges often faced by commuters during the rainy season when the road is usually blocked just as he applauded the provision of more classrooms for schools by ATASP-1 in the local areas.

He said that “ This road is always blocked during the rainy season before it was built. Now Agricutural produce can be easily brought to market through the road from Badeggi. We pleaded that ATASP- should help us to complete the road from where it stopped at Bokeko in Agaie local Government to Lafiyagi in Katcha LGA. The school’s classrooms are a good initiative as the intervention has helped to accommodate more students in the Islamic school “

Alhaji Aliyu Salidu of Mungorota village commended the stability of ATASP’ s bore hole as regards regular portable water supply since its installation to checkmate far distance people go to fetch, adding that the support given to enhance cassava productivity was a top notch.

“ Most of the bore holes built for us always dry up in every April period of the year. But since we started using the one built by ATASP,  water drying had stopped. We  want this program to continue with the 2nd phase because all their promises are kept. Also they have assisted us in cassava productivity through best agronomics training. We grow plenty of cassava and process to sell as gari. We now get four pick ups loads of cassava where we usually get one or two through spacing and use of improved cuttings” said Alhaji Salidu.

At the Wushishi market, the chairman, Community Project Management Committee, Mallam Sule alias Tanko Kwala praised the market facility provided by ATASP saying the 12 rooms shops and other open spaces built for selling of different types of Agricutural produce was quite commendable to positive impact on livelihood in the community.

Speaking on market maintenance, Sule Musa said the proceeds of the shops are used to provide needed amenities like electricity poles and wire to connect light adding that the program should assist in the provision of agro chemical and fertilizer to produce more.

The 18kms Buki-Lemu- BataNdaba- Somanji road was sited as it was said would be completed by January, 2025. The road accessibility will be of great advantage to the 500 hectares of fadama land at Somajigi village and others through rice irrigation farming with provision of tube wells for  all year round planting.

Food Farm News visits to the project’s host communities in Kano-Jigawa and Kebbi-Sokoto revealed the substantial progress the program has made on beneficiaries who expressed satisfaction on the improvements they have seen in agricultural higher yields, better infrastructure for more income earnings, accessibility to rural roads, clinics, water canals for irrigation, portable waters and market facilities towards better livelihood stimulation in the rural communities.

As the project is concluding, stakeholders are hopeful that the successes of ATASP-1 will serve as a stepping stone for continuity with the introduction of new solutions to meet the evolving challenges in rural development and agriculture.

A lead farmer in ATASP-1, Ibrahim Farouk, a  program beneficiary expressed the impact of the program through best agronomics practices with higher yield improvement, and provision of portable water to the community.

Farouk, who leads a cooperative of farmers emphasized that ATASP’s consistent support has been instrumental to poverty alleviation being faced by rural people saying that “Before ATASP-1 came into our community, water was a major problem for us. We relied on irregular sources like wells and seasonal streams, and this is making it difficult to grow crops consistently especially in the dry season. With ATASP-1, 50% of our water supply challenges have been solved, and our farms are thriving with irrigation farming”

He added that “ The installation of solar-powered boreholes and irrigation systems has greatly improved access to water, which is vital to crops maintenance, especially during dry seasons.This intervention has resulted  in higher crops yield with farmers better coping with the impacts of climate change”

Farouk also credited ATASP-1 for providing training, quality seeds, and support in adopting better farming practices pointed that the local markets are now experiencing a surge in produce sales.

A total of 466.407 kms rural roads are under construction within the zone, with four already completed to enhance transportation and market access for rural farmers.

Also, ATASP-1 is focused on completing irrigation canal systems by January 2025 to boost agricultural productivity through round the year farming.

 Dr. Musa Anwal Said, the head of Zanya Community Hospital in Bunkure, Kano State, has dedicated his time to providing essential medical care to the community, and this has been well supported by ATASP.

During our visit, the impact of the Zanya Community Hospital, built by ATAPS, was evident in the testimonies of locals like Mayram, who thanked the program for saving lives in the community. “ This hospital has saved the lives of many people. We are grateful for the care we receive here and hope that this project continues" she expressed.


The hospital, along with Dr. Said’s selfless work, represents the positive influence ATASP has made in improving access to healthcare, a vital component of rural development.

A visit to Yantsaba Community Market in Bunkure Local Government Area, Kano State where women rice sellers have enjoyed more income earnings as over 1, 000 bags of processed rice are daily sold,  and this is an achievement attributed to ATASP-1’s facilities support to the market.

Suleiman Isah, assistant chairman of the Rice Association, Buruku, emphasized that the market can serve as a hub for the region’s rice availability with the right investment.

Fatima Abubakar, a woman rice producer expressed her gratitude for the program saying that “Thanks to ATAPS, our market has grown, and we’re now calling for the continuation of the project to boost rice production further


In Bagwai Local Government Area, the completion of a 1.5 km feeder road in Nasarawa community has seamlessly transformed the transportation logistics for farmers according to Surajo Hamid who said the road accessibility had saved people’ time and money as farmers can now cost effectively transport their produce to the market.

Hamid said " Before the construction of this road, farmers faced difficulties in moving goods due to high transportation with high post-harvest losses. The new road will significantly improve the region’s economic prosperity by facilitating trade and access to essential agricultural supplies”

In Dunari, Jigawa State, two newly constructed classrooms at a local school have saved the challenges of insufficient accommodations space thereby leading to overcrowding pupils with dilapidated facilities. 

The ATASP-1’S classrooms facility has addressed the educational infrastructural gap of over population in a class which many have hailed with call for continuity.

Engr. Tayo Adebunmi the co-overseer, Sakwa Irrigation project in Gwaram Local Government Area, confirmed that the ongoing initiative for irrigation waterways would be completed by January 2025. The project involves the construction of four secondary canals that will be completed by January.

Adebunmi pointed that “ As part of ATASP, the Sakwa irrigation project aims to provide farmers in the region with reliable year-round access to water, improving crop yields and enabling better farm management practices”

The project had already improved farm accessibility as locals are being able to transport their crops more efficiently to a place of better earnings.

Garba Shehu, another prominent farmer from Sakwa, expressed his gratitude to the efforts made by the program saying that “Access to water has always been a challenge particularly during the dry season. And with the irrigation waterways, we are now able to irrigate our farms more regularly, leading to better crop yields, and improved food security for our families” Shehu said. 

He added that the project has contributed infrastructure such as the 3km feeder road in Sara-Bakwarga community saying it has improved access to markets for farmers with more earnings.

One major ATASP’s accomplishments is job creation. So far, 535,772 jobs have been created, with 401,880 men and 133,092 women benefiting in agriculture, construction, and value-chain processing.

Additionally, over 75,805 hectares have been cultivated for crops like rice, sorghum, and cassava with great positive impact on food security with rice yield increases to 6.92 metric tons from initial 2.3mt per hectare. Similarly, cassava rose to 4.42 metric tons per hectare while sorghum yield grew from 0.5-1 metric tons per hectare to 2.4 per hectare. 

These improvements were facilitated by new farming techniques and irrigation systems initiated by ATASP as 39, 593 individuals were trained in various areas in the Agricultural value chains of the three pilot crops.

Our team visit to Kebbi- Sokoto processing zone of the program unveiled some of the accomplished infrastructure that were enhancing the economic livelihood of farmers and generally activities that can improve food productivity.

Commenting on Kware- Marbawa road, the ATASP-1's facilitator,  Aminu Abubakar Aliyu said the facility would enhance easy transportation of rice and other produce to market places stating the communities people including Gidan Tudu, Gidan Arjo,Sarkawa and Marbawa are now grateful at the completion of the road as is expected to provide a vital link to schools, health care services and markets.

The Hamma'ali clinic constructed by ATASP-1  at Hamma'ali community of Kware local government was another testimony as the health care centre was equipped with the state-of-the-art medical equipment with trained healthcare professionals to attend to people' at any needed time.

Also in Kware LGA, Sokoto State, ATASP has completed the irrigation scheme that is aimed to boost agricultural production in the area and improve the livelihoods of local farmers through round the year food production.

The irrigation scheme is equipped with modern facilities including canals, water control structures, and drainage systems for round the year farming.

People of the area have commended ATASP-1, describing it as a "game-changer" for the local economy. They praised the organization for its efforts in promoting agricultural development and improving the lives of rural communities while they demanded for continuity.

A beneficiary of the project, Gumi Mallami said  the farmers in this axis have been able to channel water from the canal to their individual farms, added that the training gotten from the ATASP' s team had helped to improve the way of farming differently from our old traditional ways of low yield and productivity.

Also,the stalls constructed at Kamba rice market in Dandi local government area of Kebbi state with modern facilities like roofing, flooring, and storage facility had been described to be very helpful to enhance economic livelihood.

The project is aimed at improving the marketing and trading activities of rice farmers and other traders in the area, said Alhaji Hassan Mohamed.

Hassan Mohammad, one of the market users praised ATASP for its efforts on agricultural development and improving the livelihoods of rural communities saying that the construction of the market stalls is expected to boost the local economy by providing a conducive environment for rice traders and farmers to operate by selling their produce in a modern market.

Saidu Abubakar the Zonal Coordinator, ATASP-1, Kebbi- Sokoto processing said the components of the project are economic empowerment, access roads for inputs supply and produce evacuation, provision of health facility centres with good drinkable water through boreholes that  were powered by solar.


  1. Nasiru Yusuf Gwadabe, Zonal Communication Officer, ATASP-1 kano-Jigawa Zone.15 January 2025 at 09:06

    The Community Market he called "Bunkuru" is not correct, it's"Yantsaba Community Market in Bunkure Local Government Area, Kano State. However, I commend the Reporter for what I can describe as well reported, balanced, and did justice to ATASP-1 what he reported on the activities of ATASP-1, is just the tip of the iceberg, and going by the testimony of the beneficiaries, for sure the main policy thrust of establishing ATASP-1 has yielded positive dividends.

  2. Nasiru Yusuf Gwadabe, Zonal Communication Officer, ATASP-1 kano-Jigawa Zone.15 January 2025 at 10:50

    I understand that there might have been some confusion regarding the name of the project. It's important to clarify that the reporter is referring to the Sakwa Irrigation Project, not the "Sakaw" Irrigation Project. Thank you for your understanding!

  3. Surely even in the aftermath ATASP-1 has its foot 👣 in providing food sufficiency.

  4. This is a great achievement hence the need for continuity and upscale to consolidate the gains
