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Tuesday, 5 November 2024

How NCRI, ICS-CAAS new rice varieties will boost productivity

The newly released hybrid rice varieties into the markets by the Federal Government ( FG)  varietal release committee has been commended for its potential to enhance rice productivity.

The project which was coordinated by Dr. A. A. Ajadi (Principal investigator 1) and presented to the varietal release committee by Dr. B. Z. Salihu (Principal investigator 2) both from National Cereals Research Institute ( NCRI),  Badeggi has been officially released for use by farmers.

The 2 hybrid varieties, FARO 69 and FARO 70 according to a press release made available by NCRI noted that the two seeds were birthed by a collaboration between NCRI, Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, ( ICA-CAAS), China and Green Agriculture West Africa ( GAWAL), Abuja.

The statement attributed to A. A. Ajadi emphasizing that the new varieties will enhance the availability of improved seeds to Nigerian farmers as they would be able to increase rice productivity, and reduce importation of rice.

 She also pointed out in the statement that lack of well established seed system had negatively impacted on domestically grown rice as farmers are used to using saving from previous harvest as seeds.

 Ajadi noted that “These seeds are often not purified nor certified thereby resulting in a low quality and quantity of harvest, and which has made Nigeria dependence on imported rice be on the increase"

In the same vein, Dr. B. Z. Salihu reiterated the collaboration between his Institute and ICA-CAAS as a vehicle used to make available to farmers, rice varieties with high potential yield and tolerance to both biotic and abiotic stresses especially with the prevailing climate change challenges 

Dr. Salihu commended ICS-CAAS being a non-profit based Government institution in China, helping the resources of poor farmers by introducing climate smart seeds with training on best agronomics practices.

 All of these culminated in the release of FARO 69 and FARO 70 at the meeting of the Varietal Release Committee headed by Prof. Olusoji Olufajo on Naming, Registration and Release of Crop varieties, Livestock breeds/fisheries held on 29th October, 2024 hosted by NACGRAB at their conference hall, Moor plantation, Ibadan.

1 comment:

  1. A pleasant development indeed.
    May I be guided as to how and where to secure the varieties as small holder subsistence farmer?
