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Sunday, 1 January 2017

Tanzania: Regional Commissioner Bans Use of Grains in Making Local Brew

Image result for image of Prime Morogoro Regional Commissioner Kebwe Stephen Kebwe
Morogoro Regional Commissioner Kebwe Stephen Kebwe
Morogoro Regional Commissioner Kebwe Stephen Kebwe has banned the use of grains in making local brew for the dance known as 'Vigodoro', a move that aims at maintaining food security in the region.

The ban comes after the Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) predicted possible La Nina weather phenomenon during October and December, meaning dry spells are more likely to dominate over most areas in the country.

Addressing residents of Ulaya, Zombo and Kivungu villages here yesterday, Dr Kebwe, asked the residents to reserve food for future instead of selling all the harvests and using the surplus in making the local brew.
"This order is to the entire region...effective today no Morogoro resident should sell food to raise money for just organising Vigodoro dance," said the RC during his visit to inspect social and economic activities in the villages.

Dr Kebwe directed local government leaders to ensure no grain is sold for making local brew, noting that the state of rains was not good enough for the farming this year.Rc

He urged the residents to farm crops which would sustain dry spells and directed the local government leaders to supervise irrigation scheme to increase the level of harvests.

Kilosa District Commissioner (DC) Adam Mgoyi said the district produced 123,128.35 tonnes of grains in the 2015/2016 crop season against the demand of 103,957.10 tonnes, pointing out that based on the level of production, the district remains food secure.

However, he said Magole, Kitete, Dumila, Maguha, Magubike, Mamboya, Mtumbatu, Mabula and Kidete have experienced food shortage due to delayed rains. Mr Mgoyi mentioned some of the strategies to address challenges facing agricultural sector as raising awareness on climate change to enable producers grow drought resistance crops, including cassava and sweet potatoes.

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