The effectiveness of data in the agricultural sector can never be over stated. This is due to its relevance and suitability to the 21st century global agricultural trend. The validity of data and its usefulness in decision making, innovation and positive impact in the sector leaves no doubt in an objective mind.

While the low literacy level of farmers continues to pose a challenge to the awareness level and growth of the sector, the lack of access to information has been decried by stakeholders.

For any country to maximize its agricultural productivity and guarantee food security, access to information and awareness programs on agricultural practices is necessary in ensuring food security. Accessible information on modern agricultural technology and its usage will enable improved cultivation, harvest and storage, which will reduce famine and improve the nation’s all round health and wealth.

However, there is much room for improvement on farmers’ information literacy. All media channels should be explored to create awareness in local languages, to encourage understanding and implementation of ideas and to execute programs in the easiest ways possible. This calls for a well equipped farm community hall, where farmers could meet and be addressed on their information needs.

Since most farmers are not literate, adult evening education sessions could be organised for them to boost their literacy levels, and enable them to be able to read and write. Thenceforth, they will be able to address their needs through reading agricultural magazines, newspaper columns on agriculture, and relevant online materials, and be able to make concrete decisions on issues such as the use of pesticides and manure, right on time and as appropriate.