The African Development Bank’s (AfDB) work in agriculture has delivered a wide range of benefits to farmers: better seeds, irrigation and sustainable technologies, and greater access to finance and to markets. Bank projects have increased yields, production levels and incomes for farmers, resulting in more dynamic local economies. We recognise, however, that much more needs to be done" - 2016 Development Effectiveness Review on Agriculture |
97 percent of the Bank's agriculture projects rated satisfactory.
4000 kilometers of feeder roads built; three million people trained on farming practices
150,000 microcredit loans, water systems on 181,000 hectares of farmland
By 2025, Africa
aims to feed its fast growing population with its own production. What
is more, the world will need Africa's help to feed an extra two billion
people in the coming generation. So making the right investments right
now is crucial to unleash the huge potential of Africa's farms and