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Saturday, 9 December 2017

Aflatoxin: African experts declare war, lament low awareness

Group Picture at the Country-Led Situation Analysis and Action Planning Validation and Stakeholder Workshop on Aflatoxin, held in Abuja

As an effort to ensuring food security across the country, experts in the agricultural sector have jointly declared war on "Aflatoxin", a silent killer and a threat to food security just as they have agreed to create awareness on dangers posed by the fungus to human and animal health and food production.

ECOWAS Charged to Enforce Gender-Friendly& Inclusive Agricultural Laws

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ECOWAS countries have been tasked to enforce gender-friendly and inclusive agriculture laws to increase production and value-chain in order to meet up with Africa's Zero Hunger target by the year 2025.

Friday, 8 December 2017

Angola Imports Over 400,000 Tons of Rice a Year

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Angola imports 400,000 tons of rice a year to add to its locally grown 25,000 tons and thus meet its market needs.

Thursday, 7 December 2017

One Third of Food Lost, Wasted - Enough to Feed All Hungry People

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Food Waste
Believe it or not, the way to eradicate hunger from the face of the Earth is as feasible as it is handy. In fact, the current loss and waste of one-third of all food produced for human consumption would be just enough to feed the nearly one billion people who go to bed hungry every single night.

Maize: PAN promises against importation

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Eggs and chicken

On maize importation, the Poultry Association of Nigeria (PAN) has pledged support to the policy that will ensure banning maize import and entrenched backward integration for wealth and job creation.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Rice Importation Drops By 95% - Ogbeh

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Chief Audu Ogbeh
The minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Audu Ogbeh,  disclosed that rice importation into the country has dropped by 95 per cent in the last two years due to consistency in the federal government's efforts at drastically reducing importation of the food product into the country.


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Chief Audu Ogbeh

The attention of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has been drawn to the alarming rate at which unpatriotic Nigerians are smuggling agricultural products such as rice, frozen fish and poultry products (Turkey and Chicken) into the Country through the border routes especially as Christmas and New Year approaches.
Importation of rice and frozen fish through land borders is illegal and prohibited. Importation of poultry and poultry products through any means are also illegal and prohibited.

Maize Stakeholders, FAO disagree

Group Picture at the 2017 Maize Day held in Abuja.

·         *Say no to aflasave

Against the United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recent report on low maize production in the country, the Maize Association of Nigeria (MAAN) has punctured  this position, argued that it was a deliberate act to under rate the country’s performance position in the world rating.

Alert! Maize lethal necrosis disease

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*Expert warns Nigeria

As maize farmers in Nigeria were still battling with losses incurred by army worm, experts have cautioned on another very devastating disease called “Maize Lethal Necrosis” (MLN).

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Tizeba Warns Suppliers of Substandard Maize Seed

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Maize Seed
THE Minister for Agriculture, Dr Charles Tizeba, has said that the Southern Highlands Zone regions are leading in the country for supplying and selling substandard and fake maize seeds causing serious consequences to farmers, including low productivity of the crop.