
Friday 15 March 2024

Tomato Conference Set to Transform Nigerian Tomato Sector, Asserts TOPAN President Oyeleke Bola

In a groundbreaking statement, Oyeleke Bola, President of the Tomatoes and Orchard Producers Association of Nigeria (TOPAN), has emphasized the transformative potential of the upcoming Tomato Conference for Nigeria's tomato industry.

The conference, aimed at addressing the critical challenges and opportunities within the sector, is poised to initiate a new era of productivity and sustainability in tomato production across the nation.

According to Bola, the conference will serve as a pivotal platform for stakeholders, including farmers, investors, researchers, and policymakers, to converge and deliberate on innovative strategies to enhance the tomato value chain. The event's agenda includes discussions on advanced agricultural practices, pest and disease management, access to markets, and the implementation of cutting-edge technologies in tomato farming.

Nigeria, despite being one of Africa's largest tomato producers, has faced significant hurdles in achieving its full potential due to issues such as post-harvest losses, limited access to quality seeds, and fluctuating market prices. Bola believes that the Tomato Conference will be instrumental in addressing these challenges, thereby reshaping the sector for increased efficiency and profitability.

Moreover, the conference is expected to advocate for supportive government policies that would further boost the sector's growth. Initiatives such as the provision of subsidies for inputs, the establishment of processing facilities, and the implementation of favorable trade policies are among the key areas of focus.

Bola's vision for the conference extends beyond immediate solutions; he anticipates the cultivation of long-term partnerships that will sustain the sector's growth and ensure food security in Nigeria. By fostering collaboration between the public and private sectors, the Tomato Conference is set to unlock the untapped potential of Nigeria's tomato industry, making it a benchmark for agricultural success in Africa.

The Tomato Conference, with its comprehensive approach to tackling the sector's challenges and seizing its opportunities, represents a significant step forward in realizing the vision of a robust and sustainable tomato industry in Nigeria. As stakeholders prepare to gather, the anticipation grows for the positive changes that lie ahead, not just for the tomato sector, but for the agricultural landscape of Nigeria as a whole.

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