
Saturday 11 March 2023

Why we released three new yam varieties, says NRCRI

Three new yam improved varieties were among the recently released and registered seeds by the National Committee on Varietal Release docimiled at National Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (NACGRAB), Ibadan. 

The yam varieties are Dioscorea alata tagged UMUDa35-Delight and two other rotundata species called UMUDa33-Blessing and UMUDr-34 Sunshine.

Dr. Jude Obidiegwu, National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, posited the varieties as better in terms of yield, slow oxidating with good boiling and pounding qualities than the other earlier released ones.

The literature made available to us revealed that " yam crop improvement program in Nigeria has made evaluation with the view to develop and deploy improved yam varieties with well- defined product profiles that meet market target. The newly bred candidates will enhance the crops potential as food security and income generating crop in the country"

It was also stated that the new released varieties will also " increase availability of productive and preferred varieties that is approved and eligible for seed production and marketing in the country adding that " the increased choice of improved yam varieties for growers and consumers in the country, thus contributing to better food and income security"

Other outstanding quality of UMUDa35 otherwise known as delight is its ability to resist yam mosaic virus and anthracnose. Also it has high yield, high dry matter and high flour.

Also, the two candidates of blessing and sunshine also exhibited remarkable yield potential and adaptation across locations. They both exhibited resistance to yam diseases and anthracnose.

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